Tuesday 6 September 2016

Spread Goodness - Do Good Feel Good

Do you know the best thing about doing good? It is such a cardinal truth of life that we often forget this one - doing good makes you feel good in return. That is the greatest reward. Being kind to a person you know or a stranger not only enables and elevates them, but it lifts your moodin turn. All of us like to feel important and welcome so when you do something to make others feel good, it adds outrageous value to them and makes them feel as if they are someone really special.

What you will not realise then is that your act of kindness will go on to make them your goodwill ambassador for they will go around spreading word of your kind deedsand this will unlock a wellspring of positive sensations that would have otherwise stayed dormant inside you.
It is time we started going the extra mile for our small effort will surely leave others way better than we found them and will help you feel connected to the ones you love or care for. All this is sure to promote happiness and fulfilment.

If you want to be a part of this miracle and spread goodness around, here is your chance. Do an act of goodness to inspire and challenge others to follow in your footsteps. The world we dwell in could do will acts of gratitude. Shoot a video of yourself doing anything good and post it on your Facebook page. 

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